Sydney started school on Tuesday and, unlike most Mom's, I'm not jumping for joy. I know it's important for her to attend school, so much that last year she missed only one day, but I feel like we have to be so structured for the next 10 months. No staying up late working in the garden, or leaving at 7 PM to head down to the river... we
must be home to get ready for bed so I don't have a tired little girl in the morning. Sydney has an hour long bus ride and leaves here at 8:04, she doesn't arrive home until almost 4:00 PM so it's a long day for her and sleep is a priority. I'd seriously consider homeschooling again but, given the choice, I know she'd pick attending the school instead. Maybe next year won't be so bad because BOTH kids will be in school and I just might get more done during the day with NO interruptions... my "if I would have had him first, he would have been my last" 4 year old still keeps me pretty busy throughout the day! What is it with boys? Must they go, go, go, all day long?? I'm too old for this!
I know what you mean on not wanting to send them to school. Little Bean is in pre-K at a Christian preschool and we're thinking of moving him to another school because every boy in that class is bad but him (they were spitting on him one day). My friend whose daughter is there too is planning on pulling her out for the same reason. I'd so much rather homeschool, but my hormones wouldn't allow it before, and I know Little Bean would rather be out of the house. Hard decisions, aren't they?
Hi Kansas...
I am sure Sydney likes her school but it is a long day for her. On the other hand Jevan doesn't know when to slow down. I was watching a little one about his age walking up the street today and that kid never quit skipping. I thought "That's like Jevan" and kids that age think there day is to short. Bedtime should never come. It's pretty hard to wear them out. I know for sure he wears you out long before he is ready for bed. It won't be long and your house will be too quiet. lol Yeah I know that seems a long way off right now. It does happen.
Love Ya!
Boys do go all day. I remember when my boys were little. Vaiguely. What I really remember was being so tired that I took naps in their playpen so that I would be near if they needed me, but they couldn't get me like they could if I was on the couch. I remember them hauling all of their clothes out of their dresser so many times that I just stopped folding their clothes for a while. I also remember people asking me what I was going to do when they went to school, and I said "dance on the front steps of the school" Which is exactly what I did. And then I went home and took a nap. And then I got pregnant. I was so happy when I found out that it wasn't twins, and happy again when she came out a girl. I didn't think that I could deal with the energy that a boy puts out.
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