Sunday, March 9, 2008

Loading Logs

Hubby came home, cell phone in hand, loaded with pictures. How I got them from his phone to my computer without paying Telus a dime is another story but lets just say it was perfectly legal and a bit of a pain.

These pictures are all taken in Queen Charlotte City, a small community located at the south end of Graham Island. Hubby is working in a sort yard on the north side of town beside the ocean. It feels like he is a million miles from home but with lack of work for our own machine he has had no choice but to take a job elsewhere. As a logger's wife I totally understand and over the last 15 years it's something we have gotten used to.

All loads are oversize, lack of people and location allows for this. Compared to a regular load there is about 3 to 4 times more wood on each truck.

There's only two trucks he has to deal with and they come in several times a day.

Hubby operates a Volvo Loader. Those tires are in excess of six feet high, the cedar log he's parked beside is well above that and something we don't see in our area.

The logs can be extremely heavy depending on species and the loader strains to pick them up.

He has to offload the trucks, sort the wood, load them into a bunk and there they are banded and dropped into the ocean.

A dozer boat comes along, gathers all the bundles, takes them out to another pen where they sit and wait for a self loading barge to come pick them up. Hubby works for 12-13 hours per day 7 days a week, and is enjoying his days off right now :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is so interesting. I love reading about what other people do. Great photos and nice legal work at getting them on your computer;-). That is quite the cedar log. Son T is going sailing around the Queen Charlotte Islands in April, perhaps he will go near there and see the logs out in the pens.

NEO said...

Whoa, I am glad those trucks aren't passing me on the highway. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

did he not have enough days off, the lazy good for nothing. I remember years ago we worked 8 days a week without complaint and liked it. PS I saw the cheque nice drag.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your wonderful blog. Great photos of your cattle by the way. Spring is arriving and your blog is a great reminder that rural America is here to feed and clothe the country for another year.

This reminds me of my growing up years in western Oklahoma, quilting bees and grandma's light-bread.

Thanks for what you do.
Chuck Stocks, Publisher, New Mexico Stockman magazine.

KansasA said...

Hi Chuck
Thanks for the compliments about my blog! Rural Canada too :)