This scrubby is really scratchy but because the crino is 100% nylon it won't scratch Teflon® or even my ceran top stove! Here's the scrubbies I made and how I do them.

I cut it into 1 inch strips.

I then folded it over and sewed it with my sewing machine using a long basting stitch, you can skip this step and just hold it but it made it much easier to deal with when it was stitched. I just kept adding strips until I got enough to wind up using my trusty wool winder. The black scrubby in the top picture is before I was sewing the crino.

Here's a pic of my ball with blue added to red. I also have black and green and plan to add to it too, should make for some interesting colours :)

I then e-wrapped for 15 rows. Cut working yarn. Thread a tapestry needle with plastic canvas yarn and take off using gathering method. Turn inside out and tie a square knot. Thread the needle and do the gathering method for the beginning row, when done flatten the scrubby and sew the middles together, up and down a few times is enough. Tie a small square knot and you're done. I haven't used the red scrubby yet but I have used the black one now for about a week, it seems to be holding up fine. I made a green one when I was in Nanaimo for my Mom about three weeks ago and she says it's holding together great and wants more!

To download in PDF format click here
I have been using one for awhile and this is the best scrubbie ever. It does everything. Thanks Kansas
These scrubbies are so cool, I am new to the whole loom knitting thing, when you say e-wrapped for 15 rows do you mean you wrapped 15 pegs or you went all the way around and knitted 15 times before gathering off? I am so excited, I have always wanted to make these!
Hi Andrea
I wrapped all the pegs and knitted 15 times/rows before gathering off. Thanks for the comment!
Hello Kansas, What a GREAT idea, I love your creativity with th KK, keep up the good work.
Wendy - NM
WOW! I wanted to make scrubbies, and tried with some "netting" and didn't really like how they were turning out. Now I know what to do!
Thanks for sharing.
Kathy AKA Toklatkate
Hi Kansas...
These are better than the best. I am on my last scrubbie and just thought I would put a big hint here!
Thanks Kansas
Love Ya!
These look great. I bought a spool of bridal crinoline and I am going to give this a try.
Can't wait to try these. Me and my girlfriend are going to make these together.
I like these. I am going to give it a try!
Thanks for the great idea. Mesa, Az
These are so neat! I use circular needles so
I`m going to try that. I need to make 30 for
bridal shower. Thanks, Theresa from Morenci,Mi.
What is crino? Is the plastic canvas yarn a piece of yarn or is it made of plastic? I tried to locate this at Joann's but the clerk had not heard of plastic canvas yarn and told me that it was any yarn.
Hi Anonymous,
Crino is a fabric I purchased in Wal-Mart, it's like a heavy netting. Plastic canvas yarn is used for making plastic canvas items, it's not just any yarn. You can see it here:
It's odd that the clerk at Joann's hadn't heard of it because they sell plastic canvas kits and other items at their online store.
Can you tell me what size of loom you used?Also I might try cotton yarn.
Hi Anonymous, I used the smallest one in the first series of the Knifty Knitters looms. I think cotton would be fine but it may not last as long as the plastic canvas yarn.
Thanks so much for the info,but I still am not clear which loom it is. I have all of them.Is it the really small pink one ?(used to make things like purse handles) Or the small round one or the small rectangle one?These are the coolest scrubbies I have seen.Have you tried crocheting one? I may try that. Will let you know. Donna.
Hi Donna, here's a picture of the set I bought, the blue one is the one I use for scrubbies.
I haven't tried crocheting one yet but I'm sure there's lots of patterns for them. Let me know how it turns out for you :)
Thanks again. I sounded a little spacy in my last post. I have insomnia and I think it was about 4AM. Anyway,I really appreciate your response. I got the materials and will try this shortly.
No prob Donna, I've had a few nights like that too :) Good luck on making the scrubbies and let me know how they turn out :)
How much netting did you buy, yardage? How many did you get out of it? And how much plastic yard did you buy to make one?
Oh gosh it's been so long since I've made one but if memory serves me correctly I bought maybe 2 metres of crino and haven't bought anymore. I've made at least a dozen and still haven't used it all up. As for the plastic canvas yarn I bought one red, one black, one blue, and one green and still have some left. I really should get my butt in gear because my Mom keeps bugging me for some new ones! :)
Thanks for the pattern, Kansas! This will go great with the dishcloths I'm making for a bridal shower! I'll be using cotton and know it won't last quite as long, but the colour will match. ;-) Thanks!!!
Hi! What a great scrubbie - I am a knitter so I would prefer to use circular needles. WOuld you know abuot how many stitches and rows I would need to do? And could you make it larger for a bath scrubbie (loofa type)?
Thanks, Elizabeth
Sorry Elizabeth I'm not sure about using circular needles. You might get the largest you can get and try the same amount of stitches. If I were to do a bath scrubby I'd use a bit lighter crino because this is pretty scratchy to use on your skin.
Hi Kansas: I do alot of handwork,but this is something I have never tried. I went yesterday and bought the loom. I tried for 3 hours last evening, I can't figure out what to do after I wrap the pegs for 15 rounds. Could you give me some more details. Would like to make some to take to a luncheon on the 4th of June. I am meeting with cousins from Indiana and Michigan for lunch and thought I would like to give each one of the ladies one.
Thanks for your help
After you loom the 15 rows you remove the scrubby by using the gathering method; the gathered removal method involves picking up each loop with a threaded needle and pulling the yarn tight on the inside of the work (like you would do with a hat). You do the same thing to the beginning row and then flatten and sew the two middles together. You might like to check out Bev's website for the gathering method removal: http://www.bevscountrycottage.com/how-to-loom-knit.html#removal
If you need more help don't hesitate to ask and I'll see what I can do :)
Love the scrubbies, want to try to make them, but am lost on directions. I don't know what crino is. Is that nylon netting? I checked at JoAnn fabrics this morning, they didn' know what it was. Help
Crino can be purchased at Wal-Mart.
Thank you, was in there today, but did not find anything, will try again and this time ask them. I did find the plastic canvas yarn, no problem there. I am anxious to make one.
FYI, crino is called nylon net/netting or craft net in the USA. It's less than a dollar a yard and can be found in LOTS of colors at Hancock's, Joanne's and Walmart.
Bridal illusion has much smaller holes but that might work better for bath scrubbies. It's usually found in white, ivory and black in the stores but colors can be ordered online.
The plastic canvas yarn I saw it at Michael's how many things of 1 color do you need to make 1 scrubbie.
Hi Tina
I bought the larger size and made quite a few from one, it doesn't take much to make one scrubbie so you'll have lots left over.
Where can you get the big thing at of the plastic canvas yarn? I live in Michigan I saw the small ones at Michael's can you get it at Hobby Lobby or Joann's?
When I was at Michael's they had two sizes, I'm not sure of the exact weights and I bought the bigger one. I live in Canada and we don't have a Hobby Lobby or a Joann's so I'm not sure what size they carry.
I will have to check my other 2 Michael's stores.
Hi KA, I am tickled pink to find a pattern for scrubbies to make on my knifty knitter loom! I love my kk looms and this just makes it even better! However, I cannot get your PDF instructions to download, could you email them to me directly?
Hi Artpets,
I'd love to email you directly but your email isn't showing. :)
I've changed the link so it should be good now, the other company I was using for files has up and left and taken everyone's files with them... not happy about that. Mediafire seems to be working good and slowly, but surely, I'll get all my files over there. :)
Thank you for the pattern! This is the best I have seen for scrubbies. I will make this! Thanks again!!
Hi, and thanks for the pattern, but I have tried and cannot seem to get 15 rows on my loom.
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