Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sydney misses Lana

First Day of SchoolI'm surprising Sydney with a post about her and Lana. Lana was Sydney's bus driver when she started school back in December 2003. She was so excited to be riding a big yellow school bus she sat at the window on both Saturday and Sunday mornings and was sure the bus was coming down the driveway! Finally on Monday we drove up to meet the bus and that's when we met Lana. With her easy-going and friendly personality she quickly became, not just a bus driver, but a great friend to both Sydney and I. She came to birthday parties, stopped by over the summer holidays, fished at the river with us, and the bus soon became a familiar sight cruising down our driveway :) This past October she even enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with us!

Lana's last day was on October 13 of this year. She has transferred to another school in another town and Sydney and I miss her very much, but we wish her all the best in her new position!

Mother's Day
Mother's Day flowers!

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