I used the pattern from Lion Brand and the Purple Knifty Knitter from Provocraft to make the "Bee Bopper Bag." The wool and colours are Charcol, Claret, and Fisherman, Lion Brand Wool-Ease®Thick & Quick. Personally I would not do this pattern again. The bag is way too heavy and much too small. My 8 year old loves it tho'! Seaming in the centre was a bit tricky, and between you and me you do not want to see the other side :) I didn't do the closure strap because it doesn't really need it, if it was bigger I would consider it but this bag is quite small. Lion Brand never says what gauge knitting board to use (just gives peg numbers) although they do say what gauge the stitches should be: 2.5 stitches per inch and the bag should be 12 inches wide. Well mine is only 7 inches wide so the purple KK is not the one to use LOL. Guess I should have done the dreaded swatch...oh well. The pros regarding this bag; it's quick to knit up, I started it one night and finished it the next day, I think weaving in the ends is what took the longest! I love the "scoop" on the front and back. The cons; too heavy, too small, and much too thick, my husband thought I could use it as a hand warmer for when it gets cold. I wonder if one used a double strand of worsted weight would it make it better ..hmmm... something to think about.
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Kansas, I think it looks great! I believe the board they used for this pattern was the one from the KnittingBoard but any other small gauge or even fine gauge loom will work :). It looks great though, very pretty
I think it's cute!! From my very small experience, I find using 2 strands of worsted usually gives the best results.
Thank you for the heads up about Google, I'm using Bloglines but shall give Google a go.
Ok can you post why you think something is wrong with it. It looks very nicely done. I don't see a thing wrong with it.
Hi Kansas! The gauge for the knitting board is 3/8". Looks good though. I think I might use it for a cell phone.
Ya, unless the patterns from Lion Brand specify that they are for knifty knitters, then they are KnittingBoards.
I think your bag looks good. I made a variation of the same bag using a regular gauge AJAL and 2 strands of Wool Ease. Now I'm trying it with Red Heart yarn.
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