Monday, February 12, 2007

Stretch your Coffee Dollars

Okay a frugal tip. I love drinking those fancy coffees, especially if they are calorie-wise, but the price is out of this world.

What I do is buy one (on sale) dump the whole works into my blender, add skim milk powder (about 2 cups), and about 1/2 cup of instant coffee (usually hazelnut flavour but any instant coffee will do). If you like yours a bit sweeter add 1/2 cup of Splenda or sugar if you don't care about calories. If you like, for a different flavour, add cocoa. Want it creamier? Add coffeemate instead of skim milk powder (I don't like the calories so I use the skim milk powder.) Depending on what I add I usually double the amount I started with and sometimes get three tins out of it! I made these for my Christmas baskets, but I stripped the label off, labeled the tin with Christmas wrap, and added a sticker indicating how much to use and let them know it was sugar-free. I also bought fancy coffee cups to add to the baskets (bought at the dollar store of course).

I love whipping cream on top...but darn those calories! Instead I use liquid skim milk (ice cold) and use my hand mixer, it's a Bamix and it works great. After adding a dollop of whipped skim milk, I sprinkle a bit of Splenda and a teeny bit of cinnamon, it tastes great! I do this for the kid's hot chocolate too, they have no idea it's not "real" whipping cream :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip I'll try it. I used to buy the Nescafe Turtles all the time But they discontinued ALL of them.