Sunday, November 18, 2007

Company on the Ranch

Yesterday a friend drove out and I worked on video/dvd stuff for her. While she was here two more beef were slaughtered and I missed all the work action. After she left, I sauntered down and was surprised to see Uncle Tobe was here! Well he's not really my uncle, nor Hubby's, but he was a rather permanent fixture years ago while Hubby was growing up. Hubby thinks of him more as a brother than an Uncle because they're really not that far apart in age. Uncle Tobe can tell some great jokes and is quite the character.

My BIL & SIL were here as well and had two of their dogs with them, Zoola and Mitsy. Now, to me, Mitsy always looks a bit cross eyed, seriously it's not the camera. She is extremely lovable, even though she looks sort of odd. What do you think? I often wonder how she runs all over without hitting stuff, I mean she must see two of everything, right? 


  Someone had lit a small fire and Hubby made me a hotdog (his only level of cooking besides the microwave). A few bales of hay were brought out and we all sat around and chatted for a bit. My SIL had one extra kid, as well as her own two, and Jevan and Sydney had a blast playing with all the kids. Here's my BIL (Hubby's youngest brother) and Grandma tending the fire. If you're a regular reader you'll notice Grandma wearing the same "ranch heels" as I do :) 
  A couple hours later I headed home, made two dozen yorkshires and then headed over to Grandma's house. She had roast beef and all the fixin's for supper. Uncle Tobe earned gold stars when he complimented that "not everyone can make yorkshires and these are good." All in all, just another day on the Ranch.

1 comment:

Oma said...

Hi Kansas...
This is my kind of day. It sounds great and I bet the kids did have fun. They sure can keep busy outside.
I know those "yorkshires!" and they are the best.

Love Ya!